Tuesday, December 18, 2012

New day second raffle for our giving to Isla

Azareo our personal Massage therapist that has done a super job on people that just want a massage experience or people that have various injuries that need special attention he is our man and at 200 pesos per hour ( $17 bucks Canadian) COOL This is Brent being worked on

today for lunch we had a treat as always Mike goes for a walk early in the morning with Maggie (dog) Rick has joined him (friends from the lower main land down for three weeks) he quite offends helps local fisherman pull in their nets from local fishing on the beach they gave him 3 local fish called mullets??? sorry no pictures ( to sleepy this morning) as a result we had fish and chips for lunch in the deep firer was that cool (sorry again no pictures )

the gift table for to days draw everybody donates to the cause and they are very generousness very creative (lots of good stuff)

a very excited crowd (I think they are here for the food ?????)
Roger and Susie's Travels to days special event our second draw for our charity to the Isla community big success and of course we always enjoy the happy hour along with the very interesting apps every body brings


  1. Thanks again for hosting the fund raiser/happy hour. It was great!

  2. Just another day in paradise , all is well on the home front, Celeste and Remi coming for a few days for pre Christmas time with us . That way they can still have Christmas with ,her two working boys . Fund raiser seems to be going great. Wish I could post pictures. LOOK at some on Susie's Facebook. This iPad is great for photos youbtakevthem and post right
    away . Love to you both see you in the spring XOX BETS...
