Thursday, December 6, 2012

Mouse update

the most sucessfull trap with meat

Second mouse hope not too many more

the first mouse I droped in the bucket
Roger and Susie's Travels Last night I was getting ready to set up traps the snap trap and the bucket of water the snap trap was under the sink when I opened up there was a mouse walking in circles in a daze he had set the snap trap off while we were out he ended up with brain damage so I used a pare of tongs to pick him up and drop him into the bucket of water thinking thank god I finally got him. But just in case there is more I set the trap again and left on the counter this morning I got another so how many more there is ?????? 


  1. Get them all!! That a boy ,Roger. Hope you do . You are going to have success come hell or high water. Nice TREE LOVE Bets
