Friday, April 22, 2011

April 22nd Golf tournement Comox

Roger and Susie's Travels Well started off the day still trying to empty the motor home. I did manage another 3 hrs before I was picked up by my friend Hal to go to the golf tournement which was at Comox golf course it was great took about 5hrs to do 18 holes I realy enjoyed but was pretty tired also I thought is was for one day but found out it is two day tournement so tommorrow at Stories beach for the final. But the good thing I won $20 bucks ???? have no idea must be my handycap because I shot 104 for 18 holes??? (not complaining 20 bucks) See how tomorrow goes. (no pictures) I thought I charged up the battery on the camera but it didn't work but I have it ready for tomorrow. Poor Susie had to go through the mail today that was a feat in it self will give update on golf tomorrow

1 comment:

  1. The accumulation of mail can be daunting! Hang in there.
