Sunday, July 4, 2010

Boat lic. etc.

Roger and Susie's Travels Today's plans were to go boating and fishing. But I found out that my power squaren boat certificate would not be approved as a small boat operators lic. ($250 fine if caught) so I spent most of the day studying for the exam. Susie and Stuart took Toga (cat) to the vet. Met Susie and Stuart at the annual wood carving completions in Campbell river(beside the veterinarian place).(I took toga back home) Then back to the studies while Susie took Stuart shopping for some clothes etc. Finished studying at 3:00 pm rushed like hell to get to Courtney to take the exam before 4:00 managed to get 33 out of 36 questions right so I passed Now I am a legal boat operator. Stuart and I took in our local stock car racing 5 minute drive from our house (lots of fun good show) forgot camera end of the day wasted.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on finally being legal!! Tell Stuart no sting rays!
